
Our Team


Dr. Majid Khan

Dr. Khan, graduated from University of Cambridge; is a practicing GP in the West Midlands, and he has a wealth of experience in teaching having taught medical students at Warwick University. He is currently a GP trainer and regularly mentors medical students, nurses, and pharmacists in his practice.


Dr. Syed Ali

Dr. Ali is a practicing GP In the Black Country region, he worked as training program director for Health Education England and is now a tutor at Birmingham University in community-based medicine. He has a vast amount of experience in teaching pharmacists , physician associates, foundation doctors, and GP trainees and is the lead educator and supervisor for his practice.

Ashfaq Ahmad

As a GP based practice pharmacist and course coordinator for PCT LTD, he has experience in hospital, community, and primary care. He has mentored pharmacists to become independent prescribers and clinical practitioners.